Libra - The Scales
Following the sign of Virgo is Libra, the Scales.
Libra signifies the scales of Justice and Balance. This is the only sign of the Zodiac which does not depict a living creature. Libra has in antiquity been viewed as part of Scorpio's claws and also is sometimes depicted as being held by Virgo.
The scales of Libra has one side lower than the other. The Persian image includes a human figure which holds in one hand the scales, and in the other a lamb, as the thing to be weighed.
Following the sign of Virgo is Libra, the Scales.
Libra signifies the scales of Justice and Balance. This is the only sign of the Zodiac which does not depict a living creature. Libra has in antiquity been viewed as part of Scorpio's claws and also is sometimes depicted as being held by Virgo.
The scales of Libra has one side lower than the other. The Persian image includes a human figure which holds in one hand the scales, and in the other a lamb, as the thing to be weighed.
The brightest star of Libra is in the outer scale, and called Zuben al Genubi which means "the price which is deficient". Psalms 49:7-9 says “No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him- the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough - that he should live on forever and not see decay." Psalms 62:9 says that “Lowborn men are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie; if weighed on a balance, they are nothing; together they are only a breath." Even the most powerful of men, Belshazzar, Emperor of Persia was, according to the writing on the wall, “weighed on the scales, and found wanting.” (Daniel 5:27) The price is deficient, because nothing man can do will ever earn favour with God or salvation from sin. Even the sin offerings of the Old Testament were simply a precursor to Christ.
The next brightest star is in the inner, lower scale called Zuben al Chemali which means "the price which covers". The price which is sufficient for salvation is the Blood Price payed at Calvary. The price of Jesus' own Blood. Romans 9 speaks of God's sovereign choice in relation to salvation and verse 16 in particular echoes the imagry of Libra's unbalanced scales. "It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.” The Hebrews denoted this star with the letter Tau, last of the alphabet and shaped like a cross, signifying a completion.
While all the effort and desire of man comes to "only a breath" and measure the price deficient, The Mercy, Grace and Blood of Jesus poured out is the price that covers and provides salvation.
Crux or the Southern Cross features on the Australin Flag and is a five star constellation in the shape of a Cross. Its Hebrew name, appropriately, was Adom roughly meaning "cutting off" a clear reference of the Cross to Daniel 9:26, where the Annointed One or Messiah is "cut off”. The ancient Dendera zodiac of Egypt depicted this sign as a lion panting with thirst as a cup is held out to him; beneath his feet is the hieroglyph for pouring water. This helps the representation of Jesus, who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. At the cross, the Lion of Judah uttered the words, “I am thirsty” (John 19:28) as He was “poured out like water” (Psalm 22:14). The name of this Egyptian image was Sera "victory"; the Persian name for the Cross was Arbedi, having the sense of "covering".
Lupis, Latin for wolf (as it is most commonly depicted) is also known as the victim. Lupis depicts an beast, most commonly a wolf, falling down dead. Killed by the spear of Centaurus from Virgo. The Egyptian image is not a beast but a naked child holding a finger to his lips; the name is Sura, meaning "a lamb". This image of 'a lamb', silent in death, is found in Isaiah 53:7 “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.” The stripped child is the mythological Harpocrates, victim of justice, god of silence and acquiescence. Notice that it is the Centaur, a type of Jesus Christ, which slays the sacrificial Victim, another type of Christ: and Jesus said (John 10:15-18), “I lay down my life for the sheep. . . . No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord...”
Corona Borealis or the Northern Crown depicts a crown of glory. The Greeks associate this crown with Ariadne, who died because of her great love, (either pierced by Artemis, or abandoned on the island of Naxos and laying down her own life) only to be raised among the gods and rewarded with a crown after death. This is a carnalised version of what the image atually represents. Not a woman but rather the Seed of the woman, Jesus is the subject. It was because of His divine love for man that He cam to grief, persecution and death. That death which was the exact price for Salvation. After which He was raised to life again to reign, crowned in righteous glory. From below, the Serpent almost reaches the Crown, illustrating the danger to the Church of Philadelphia in Revelation 3:11 “I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown."
In Libra we have the Scales of Justice, which finds one price deficient but another, the price which covers. Showing that the balance of Salvation cannot be met by "man's desire or effort, but [only by] God's mercy."
We have Crux, the Lion on the cross.
We have Lupis or Sura, the Lamb who "was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth".
We have Corona Borealis the glorious crown of reward.
At 2/24/2007 10:04:00 am,
Joe said…
I have never been able to see the alleged shapes that others see in the Zodiac. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this dissertation.
At 2/24/2007 01:32:00 pm,
Modern Day Magi said…
I cant see many of the shapes or haw they are come by either. The sourthern cross is different 5 stars the 4 main ones are at the ends of a cross.
What I have found interesting about this study has been that the constellations have been know for thousands of years and different cultures interpret them in mainly the same way. Where there is a difference (such as the southern cross) the differences usually go together to fit better with the stoy of Christ than either image on its own.
This is only a speculation but I would suggest that this is evidence that the zodiac was known at the time of Babel and God's curse in splitting the races caused all cultures to carry the same images with them?
I find that it is enough to know this is the official shape which everyone recognises and then to see how well it fits with the Gospel is encouraging for me. Truely the Heavens declare His majesty!
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