Virgo - The Virgin
The conventional order of the signs of the Zodiac is:
Áries - The Ram
Taurus - The Bull
Gémini - The Twins
Cancer - The Crab
Leo - The Lion
Virgo - The Virgin
Libra - The Scales
Scórpio - The Scorpion
Sagittárius - The Archer (a Centaur)
Capricornus - The Goat (A Goat-headed-fish)
Aquárius - The Water Pot
Pisces - The Fish
Since the Zodiac is a circle a starting point is largely arbitrary. I will however, chose to begin with Virgo, as Jesus' life on Earth began with a Virgin.
The Symbolism of a Virgin being connected to Christ is a simple one for any who has heard the Christian Christmas story of the Birth of Jesus, born of His virgin mother Mary. This is not all that can connect the sign of Virgo to the life of Jesus though.
Virgo is the second largest constellation in the sky (the largest being Hydra), but there is considerable space between its stars. By tradition, this is the only female figure counted among the constellations of the Zodiac. She is usually depicted either holding an ear of wheat or less often the Scales of Libra, the adjoining constellation. The origin of Virgo as both a mother and virgin can be traced to prehistoric times and it is often associated with birth and new life. In Hebrew and Syriac she is Bethulah , The maiden; in Arabic she is Adarah, the pure virgin. Virgo is NEVER regarded as anything other than a virgin, but she is still associated with motherhood and fertility. Just as Mary was the foretold virgin mother of the Messiah, Virgo represents a virgin mother. To the Greeks Virgo was Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility To the Persians Virgo was Khosha which means "Ear of Wheat."
Also of significance is the brightest star of Virgo, Spica. The name Spica derives from Latin spīca virginis "Virgo's ear of grain" (usually wheat). Jesus, who was prophetically known from the Garden of Eden as the ‘Seed of the Woman’, is represented here by the brightest star in the constellation and is also one of the brightest stars in the nighttime sky. Jesus refers to Himself as the seed which must die in order to be fully fruitful. (John 12:23-24). So in Virgo, as with scripture, we have a Virgin, associated with motherhood and fertility, who is to bring forth ‘the seed’ which is far greater than herself.
Along with Virgo are its three deacons (minor constellations) Coma, Centaurus and Bootes.
Coma depicts (according to Albumazar) “a young woman whose Persian name denotes a pure virgin, sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant boy, said boy having a Hebrew name…which in Greek is called Christ.” Even the name of this smaller constellation is representative of Jesus. The Egyptians called it Shes-nu ‘the desired son’ echoing the words of Haggai 2:7 that Jesus is the “…desired of all nations…”
Centaurus depicts a hunting centaur. A centaur is a creature with a dual nature, the head and torso of a human joined at the (human's) waist to where the horse's neck would be. Centaurs are also (much less often) depicted with the body of a goat rather than a horse, the goat being significant as it was the animal used as a sin offering. Just as Christ is both wholly God and wholly man, so too is a centaur, both horse (or goat) and man. The Hebrew name of Centaurus is Bezeh "the despised" which echoes Isaiah 53:3, "He is despised and rejected of men".
The most famous of the centaurs was Chiron. The myth of Chiron is that he was a teacher to many of the great Greek heroes of mythology such as Ajax, Aeneas, Achilles, Jason, Heracles, and others. Chiron’s nobility is further reflected in the story of his death as Chiron sacrificed his life. Being the son of Cronus, a titan, he was immortal and so could not die. So it was left to Heracles to arrange a bargain with Zeus to exchange Chiron's immortality for the life of Prometheus who had been chained to a rock and left to die for giving fire to man. Hercules set an ambush for Chiron and shot him with a poisoned arrow. Chiron could not die, but after being wounded, willingly gave up his own life and went to the heavens. Chiron is like Christ, who willingly gave up His own life so that mankind could have life after being bound to and deserving of death for our sin.
Bootes depicts a large human figure holding a spear and a sickle, looking toward Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. In the English-speaking world we know the Ursas better as the big and little dippers. Bootes is often called the ploughman. However, what is meant to be his plough is set in the opposite direction. Bootes is likely derived from the Hebrew word bo, which means "the coming", rather than the word for "plow". This confusion about the ploughman led to him also being called Arcturus which is also the name of the brightest star in Bootes. Arcturus means the watcher, guardian or keeper of Arktos (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor) Another name for Bootes is Arctophylax, "the guardian of the greater flock" or shepherd. The Egyptians called Bootes, Smat the "one who rules", and also Bau "the coming one". That Bootes, this ‘Coming One’, holds a sickle is representative also of Jesus. Jesus too bears a sickle in Revelation 14:15-16 ready to bring judgment to the World.
In Virgo we have the Virgin who brought forth the ‘seed of the woman’.
We have Coma, the Desired One “which in Greek is called Christ”.
We have Centarus, the Despised, dual-natured God who gave His own life freely for another’s sin.
We have Bootes, the Coming One, the Watcher, the One Who Rules, bearing the sickle ready for the judgement and harvest of the world.
In just looking at the Virgo only one of the Zodiac’s signs already “The heavens tell of the glory of God.”
At 2/04/2007 03:02:00 am,
Joe said…
Very informative!
I recently heard a nationally known pastor speak on this...well done!
At 2/06/2007 10:09:00 pm,
Andrew Lindsey said…
You’ve been tagged! Here are the rules:
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123; go down to the fourth sentence.
3. Post the text of the following three sentences.
4. Name the author and book title.
5. Tag three people to do the same.
At 2/16/2007 02:35:00 pm,
TheDen said…
Hey MDM,
Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well.
BTW...I'm trying to make an effort to post more in my blog.
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