Matthew chapter 2
This is very significant for a few reasons:
- The Magi were Gentiles, not only that but were practicers of divination, interpreters of dreams, the magicians and advisors to the Persian court. The fact that they are the first mentioned in Matthew to visit and worship Jesus shows that the Messiah is not solely for the Jewish people. "He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." (Daliel 7:14) At this point the worship they offered could have simply been the usual honor a King's Heir would recieve, as was the custom of the time to send a delegation with gifts to the heirs of neighbouring nations. I believe these Magi saw the Glory of God and worshiped Jesus in ernest as the one, true, living God incarnate.
- It shows the current 'king of the Jews', Herod, to be in stark contrast to what we will learn the true King of the Jews, Jesus, is like. Herod is calculating, and sinister is his plans, to kill an infant in order to protect his own position.
- verses 4-6 show that the Jews knew where the Messiah was to be born but were not looking for Him. It also shows that by Jesus being born in Bethlehem He fulfills yet another Messianic prophesey, this time from Micah 5:2 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'
- The Magi finally find Jesus after following the star (Gen 1:14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years), they then worship Him and offer Him the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I believe that once the Magi saw Jesus they saw the Glory of God and worshiped Jesus in ernest, as the one, true, living God incarnate. Not simply as the heir to a neighbouring throne. I form this opinion from the prophet Daniel having once been the head of the Magi, the fact that they saw Jesus with the intention of honoring Him, and the warning God gave them later, not to go back to Herod shows that God may have favoured them, as He certainly protected them.
- The gifts were significant as well. Frankincense and Myrrh are both resins, dried tree sap, from trees which are common to Somalia. Frankincense was mainly used in making purfumes and incense for aromatherapy. It was also lavishly used in religious rites. Myrrh was used as an embalming ointment and was used, up until about the 15th century, as a penitential incense in funerals and cremations. These gifts are symbols of both His status as King of Kings (although He is not a King as the world would see it) as well as the purpose of Jesus' birth, so He could die for us.
Matthew 2: 13-18 tells of Joseph being warned about Herods plan to kill Jesus and then Joseph and his young family fleeing to Egypt. Three main points can be found in this passage.
- The dramatic persecution of Jesus while still only a baby. While it is not unheard of in history for a ruler to murder challengers to their position, the wholesale slaughter of a generation of children is pretty extreme. Again a strong contrast between the current ruler and the Messiah who came humbly, and with the heart of servant.
- Another messianic prophesey is fulfilled by Jesus' family fleeing to Egypt of all places as it was written in Hosea 11:1 that God said "Out of Egypt I called my Son." Although this prophesey also refers to the Israelites fleeing the bondage of slavery under Egypt, the prophesey was fulfilled in Christ.
- Jeremiah 31:15 is also fulfilled in Herod's attack on a generation of children.
Matthew 2: 19-23 has the return of Joseph, Mary and Jesus to Israel, and more specifically Nazereth. This also is the fulfulment of a messianic prophesey that "He will be called a Nazarene." At this early stage of Jesus life He has already fulfilled no less than 5 propheseys concerning the comming of the Messiah.
- He is of the line of King David
- He was of a Virgin Birth
- He was born in Bethlehem
- He fled to and then was called out of Egypt
- He was to be called a Nazerene
All the signs were there for the Jews, Jesus fulfilled all the messianic propheseys, but they did not or could not see Jesus for who he was. Their Messiah they had waited so long for. This is the continuing theme of Matthew, that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. Isn't it such a tragedy that years later Jesus, "As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God's coming to you." (Luke 19 :41-44)
At 1/28/2006 02:33:00 pm,
Ben Eames said…
Another beautiful picture in Matthew 2...
The wise men, wealthy guys who conferred with kings, went looking for "The King of Israel" - of course they went to the opulent palace of Herod, but the King was not there. So they walked away from the capital city and made their way to the tiny town of Bethlehem, to give glory to a baby in a feed trough. A clean, pure white baby who never cried or pooed and had a halo over his head? I think not.
The first shall be last and the last first. Jesus came from Heaven itself to be born in a dirty stable. To find him, we need to follow his lead, like the wise men did and go to the least, the lowest places. If you want to find Jesus, you have to humble yourself and look down - look in the stable. That's where he is.
At 1/28/2006 04:28:00 pm,
Modern Day Magi said…
thanks ben and wlecome to my (hopefully) humble little blog
At 1/28/2006 11:00:00 pm,
TheDen said…
Hey MDM,
Just wondering...Matthew 2 must have some special significance for you. Anything about the Magi that really touched you?
At 1/29/2006 06:32:00 am,
Modern Day Magi said…
The Magi were among the first men to worship Jesus. whether as a king or as God they travelled a great distance to come to Jesus while he was a baby and offer Him worship and really expensive gifts. The sacrificed comfort (they were advisors to persian kings so would have lived in the pallace) money, time, their families and friends for a while, and got to see Jesus. This all while He was a baby and could offer them nothing but alowing them in His presence, no miracles, or profound wisdom.
Many times I see people focusing on the gifts of Christ rather than Christ himself, the Magi remind me To seek Jesus for Jesus not for what blessings he can give me.
Also see Why a Modern Day Magi?
At 1/29/2006 08:46:00 am,
TheDen said…
"Many times I see people focusing on the gifts of Christ rather than Christ himself, the Magi remind me To seek Jesus for Jesus not for what blessings he can give me."
Very nice...I've been thinking a lot about that myself in almost those exact words this last week actually.
Thanks for the insight. Keep focused on Jesus.
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